Nostalgia for Sicily rushes over me in waves, which is absurd, considering that we only came home a week ago. However it only took a few hours before everyday life began to crowd in on us. Above all, the animals.
Whilst I was away Sam took Bertie the Border Terrier to be treated for an injury to his eye caused by a grass seed, (he now bobs about after Dad wearing his “cone of shame“) and Vanessa the Vet sent Sam home with yet more drops, pills and potions for the cats, together with stern words on his mother’s lackadaisical approach to preventative animal medicine.
Vanessa lives for animals, an admirable, indispensable even, attitude for a vet. Bearing this in mind I adopt a fast moving breezy attitude whenever I go to see her – plonking the currently ill animal on her stainless steel table, flinching slightly as she pushes back their fur and tuts disapprovingly at the small community of beasts she finds living there, and rushing out before she can give me yet another lecture on worms that wrap themselves around dog’s hearts, the tendency of cats to suffer neurotic cystitis or the many varied parasites that can afflict them all if they even set a paw outdoors.
My son’s attitude was doubtless completely different. I can picture him standing listening politely, nodding with understanding as she listed my various flaws. Of course he wouldn’t have been surprised, after all he and his brother have suffered the same level of neglect over the years.
Which explains why I’m thinking of that long pebbly beach and those undemanding waves.